Days 23 - 29
Day 23 : Went for a walk at lunchtime, then did weights in the evening. I'm liking the "Do Weights till calories expended" challenge, as it gives me a focus for a weights workout, and means I have to keep going, rather than stop when I feel like it. Day 24: Commute. Ride to work quite straightforward when I've booked it in. Day 25: Not really feeling very motivated or good at this stage, I just had 180 Calories to get rid of the end of the day, which was easily dispatched with 15 minutes on a bike. Did this "Just because" and didn't enjoy it in the slightest. Day 26 : Outdoor bike ride. These have really been improving recently, and whilst I think the main improvements have been as a result of the commutes, where often I'll race against previous times, or try and do the hills as quickly as possible, the extra sessions done purely to satisfy this challenge have contributed. Day 27 : First day of a holiday where we were camping and going to the...