Day 5 : Hot mag session
The plan for Day 5 was to ride to/from work, which is normally a straightforward easy way of getting through the rings. Lucy had been up late the night before socializing with her mum-chums, so I forwent the ride to give her a bit more time in bed in the morning. This put me behind schedule....
It's been super hot in the UK recently, which makes certain types of exercise a complete pleasure, and others less so. A ride outdoors is a complete joy. Last night Lu was out, leaving me only one option to complete about 400 calories to get the ring.
I was on the mag-trainer... In about 30 minutes I'd cleared the target, but I was drenched in sweat. This was another time when the 30 day challenge got me to do a workout when otherwise I almost certainly wouldn't have, so for that I'm grateful. In other circumstances, I'd probably just think "oh well, I've missed a workout / target, never mind, there'll be another one along soon", but since I'm committed to getting July all the way, it got me on the bike.
So day 5 over and done with....
It's been super hot in the UK recently, which makes certain types of exercise a complete pleasure, and others less so. A ride outdoors is a complete joy. Last night Lu was out, leaving me only one option to complete about 400 calories to get the ring.
I was on the mag-trainer... In about 30 minutes I'd cleared the target, but I was drenched in sweat. This was another time when the 30 day challenge got me to do a workout when otherwise I almost certainly wouldn't have, so for that I'm grateful. In other circumstances, I'd probably just think "oh well, I've missed a workout / target, never mind, there'll be another one along soon", but since I'm committed to getting July all the way, it got me on the bike.
So day 5 over and done with....
So you'll notice the little green dots in the corner each day on days 2-5. These indicate workouts, rather than day 1, where I completed the circle without needing to hit the gym/go for a ride. I absolutely put this down to doing a sedentary job. When I'm at home / out and about with the kids, it's no problem hitting that target!
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