Days 6-7-8-9 : More Hot Mags and Edenbury
This was always going to be a bit of a challenge... Friday night (Day 6) was another hot Mag session in the garage. It's about 28 degrees inside and out, so even with the massive garage door open, it's still hot. I watched IronMan (the Marvel film, not the sporting event) and sweated buckets to nudge myself over the line. This is my go-to catch-all activity at the end of a day. Where I can see this falling down is if I've had a sedentary day at the office, and social stuff in the evening. So far I've been able to manage this pretty well.
Day 7 was Edenbury - our work summer do. It's an absolute riot, the kids love it (they just charge round a field playing with new friends ) and it's a great relaxed event. The football was on too, but it did involve a lot of sitting around. On the plus side, the bar and toilets are a bit of a way from where the entertainments are, so you clock up lots of steps! I found myself having closed the activity ring, but not the exercise ring at about 5 minutes to midnight. I was mid conversation with Mike, and couldn't make any excuses, so irritatingly, I failed that one by 1 minute. I should have just gone "I need the loo" and run across the field, but hey, it was close enough for me.
Day 8 was the day after Edenbury. Now since the challenge runs midnight to midnight, I'd actually already accumulated some action prior to waking up in the morning, but still it was going to be a hard day! I really had to leave any activity till the evening - I was pretty tired and hungover for most of the day. It's just occurred to me that the hot mag sessions should only be done if Lucy is out; if she can stay in and look after the kids I should take advantage of the good weather and ride out. Lu was out on this occasion, so back in the sweaty garage.
Day 9 : Commute in on the bike. Doddle when you've got the time and can make it a focus of your day!
Day 7 was Edenbury - our work summer do. It's an absolute riot, the kids love it (they just charge round a field playing with new friends ) and it's a great relaxed event. The football was on too, but it did involve a lot of sitting around. On the plus side, the bar and toilets are a bit of a way from where the entertainments are, so you clock up lots of steps! I found myself having closed the activity ring, but not the exercise ring at about 5 minutes to midnight. I was mid conversation with Mike, and couldn't make any excuses, so irritatingly, I failed that one by 1 minute. I should have just gone "I need the loo" and run across the field, but hey, it was close enough for me.
Day 8 was the day after Edenbury. Now since the challenge runs midnight to midnight, I'd actually already accumulated some action prior to waking up in the morning, but still it was going to be a hard day! I really had to leave any activity till the evening - I was pretty tired and hungover for most of the day. It's just occurred to me that the hot mag sessions should only be done if Lucy is out; if she can stay in and look after the kids I should take advantage of the good weather and ride out. Lu was out on this occasion, so back in the sweaty garage.
Day 9 : Commute in on the bike. Doddle when you've got the time and can make it a focus of your day!
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